Films and Video art
Films and Video art
Vida, Arte y otras polaridades
Life, Art and other polarities
2014, 30’
“Honouring the importance of chance in my creative process, for a week I posed these questions to everyone who fortuitously appeared in my house without any preparation. It was about observing and understanding how people close to me handle polarities that sometimes remained unintegrated in me.
This piece is the result of my work and training as an art therapist and was the main source of inspiration to start the Birds of Passage series.” (E.P.)
El sabor del bacalao
2012, 47´
Enviromental clip written and directed by Eliana Perinat
Estoy en ello
2011, 3’44”
Videoclip for Alicia Alemán
Verde que te quiero verde
2010, 13´
Short Film, written and directed by Eliana Perinat
Umbilical Love
2008, 5’20”
A self portrait of the artist´s journey into motherhood.
2004, 6’44”
Signed by pseudonym Li Romani
Music created for these images by Fade
4 Elements
2002, 71’
Installation on four walls.
Music created for these images by Alicia Alemán